Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Wagon or the Deep End?

Should I scream INTERVENTION? Or just lay here in my own pity? Ok I fell off the wagon today...not just a small tumble either, I fucking fell off and broke the wheel ok? I had a sugar attack and I don't mean I slipped and had a coca cola..I mean I've been CHAIN COKING! I'm super depressed...having finally got some antibiotics for this sore throat, I sat in my blue hot box for thirty minutes(my car without A/C) waiting on damn WalGreens to tell me if I could afford the Cipro that I had the prescription for. The fucking guy says through that telephone thing "sorry maam, we're too busy for me to tell you how much it will be, you'll have to come back in a couple hours". If I could only get a hold of that twirled up cord attached to that phone attached to his hand, I'd have jerked the little fucker through the bullet proof glass window!!
So I got in a huge fight with my husband next. Attacked the hell out of him...for some reason and some none at all! Then I got home...pouted and went back out for my medicine that was going to 'fix' me. I went to Winn Dixie and a nice Indian man said he had to have my i.d. which I'd thrown into a corner in my house (in a rage) so I had to get back into the hot box and drive home and get my id and come back. But I made friends with him and he changed my day. I got the medicine for free, too! So anyway, I won't be getting on the scale today. I will try to do better tomorrow. I did load up on prescriptions at my doctor today just in case...never know when you may need to exit stage left. So party on...and know this...I'm a crazy mean bitch when I'm off my sugar. Will it ever end? I dunno...

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